The GICHD works towards reducing risks to communities caused by explosive ordnances (EOs), with a focus on landmines, cluster munitions and ammunition stockpiles. GICHD contributes to the social and economic well-being of people and communities across affected countries. In January 2017, iMMAP entered a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with GICHD. The aim of the MoU was to jointly pursue and advance activities for the information management (IM) capacity development, training and certification as well as technical development.


This project aims to establish a functional Information Management System for Mine Action (IMSMA) that supports the National Mine Action Authority´s strategic and operational management to enable accurate reporting to its various stakeholders. Furthermore, these IM flows are complimented through capacity building activities provided to the Mine Action Center (MAC), the National Mine Action (NMA) Secreteriat and implementing partners (IPs) on various thematic IM related subjects based on the data captured from the capacity building needs assessment survey.
After February 24th, resulting the lauch of the military offensive by the Russian Federation in Ukraine, the project objectives shifted from providing capacity building to emergency response. The project team currently organizes and coordinates regular IM Working Group meetings for all Humanitarian Mine Action (HMA) stakeholders in Ukraine while maintaings the IMSMA Core Portal for partners.