
Since 2016, the security situation in Burkina Faso has gradually deteriorated, resulting in significant and continuous population displacements internally and across the border regions of Mali and Niger. According to government figures, 1,312,071 people have been internally displaced as of 30 June 2021.
Action Contre la Faim (ACF), in partnership with the Danish Refugee Council (DRC), Humanity & Inclusion (HI) and Solidarités International (SI), set up the Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) Frontline Burkina Faso in March 2019.
In case of large scale population movements following security shocks, the RRM-Frontline teams issue alerts within 48 hours and launch rapid multisectoral assessments (MSA) to identify the most acute needs of recently displaced households. Depending on the needs identified and preestablished vulnerability thresholds, emergency assistance is carried out within 21 days.
The speed and accuracy of information collection, as well as its analysis, are key to the RRM-Frontline’s success.

Burkina Faso

From May to July 2021, ACF hosted the support mission deployed by an expert consultant, with the aim of improving and strengthening the quality of analysis and data management within the RRM Frontline consortium. Our organization shares with the humanitarian community the processed information, as well as its experience in information management (IM) and analysis. The goal is to build the capacities in IM of our partners while also facilitating decision making for the emergency response.

Actions Taken

The support provided to RRM Frontline resulted in a diagnostic of the information system, along with several recommendations. These recommendations were prioritized and put into action in July 2021. This involved reviewing data management processes, creating standard operating procedures (SOPs), and enhancing MSA products. The objective was to enhance reliability, bolster the quality of collected information, streamline data analysis, and facilitate information sharing.


iMMAP supports the RRM Frontline in its change management initiatives regarding data management processes, the development of its information culture and the progressive implementation of good practices.
An information system was quickly set up, including roles, the platform as well as data collection tools. Despite these achievements, data collection processes still need to be improved.
Aiming at improving and strengthening the quality of analysis and data management, the iMMAP consultant designed new SOPs and tools after conductingan in-depth analysis of the RRM Frontline IM system.

Capacity Building

Capacity building is part of the iMMAP support mandate to the RRM Frontline, the iMMAP consultant conducted training on computer graphics and infographics as well as data processing tools, followed by data visualization. A workshop was held to create a backlog and prioritize actions.