Antonio Miranda Melgar
Address La Pradera, calle Vicente Aguirre OE 1-16 y Av. 6 de Diciembre.
Cell Phone (+593) 991643275
Zip Code 170520

Antonio Miranda Melgar

Information Management Expert (Ecuador)

Social professional and agronomist specialized in rural development, with additional studies in disaster risk reduction, sustainable development, governance, public policies, leadership for global competitiveness, and higher education.

With extensive experience in public policy management for human development, he has been actively involved in disaster management and humanitarian assistance for 15 years. During this time, he has conducted over 30 frontline humanitarian missions, implementing all on-site humanitarian protocols and protection standards agreed upon by the IASC, with a focus on vulnerable populations. He is an expert in information management, response coordination, needs assessments, and the Sphere Handbook, among others. Since 2024, he has been a consultant for 3ISolution.