
Humanitarian Mine Action in Northeast Syria is a coordinated response involving various organizations and partners to address the threat posed by landmines and explosive remnants of war (ERW). Activities include mine risk education, survey and clearance operations, victim assistance, and capacity building. The aim is to raise awareness, remove hazards, assist victims, and strengthen local capabilities to ensure the safety and recovery of affected communities.

Current Projects

Humanitarian Mine Action Response in Northeast Syria
In Northeast Syria, 3iS leads the Humanitarian Mine Action (HMA) sector coordination, in collaboration with HMA-operating NGOs, Mine Action authorities, and the NES NGO forum.
By processing, analyzing, and visualizing critical data, 3iS informs Mine Action stakeholders and guides their programming for more impactful and efficient benefits.
Additionally, 3iS is coordinating a NES-wide contamination survey in partnership with ITF, DCA and HI. This regional survey is essential to fully assess the exact locations and socio economic impacts of hazardous areas. The results (to be presented in March 2024 by 3iS) will feed a prioritized clerance plan for the region. 3iS aims to support the most effective use of available resources and improve impact-measured benefits
Humanitarian Mine Action
In the wake of the Arab Spring protests that precipitated Syria into a civil war, Northeast Syria (NES) gained its de facto autonomy in 2012. Since then, the region has been crippled by a multi-sided conflict that resulted in the extensive use of Explosive Ordnances (EO).
As of March 2023, a staggering 29 million square meters were reported to be openly contaminated (suspected or confirmed) along with 434 EO single items[1]. Moreover, through its open-source victims and accident tracking system, 3iS reported 3036 victims caused by Explosive Ordnance explosions in Northeast Syria.
To mitigate the deadly impact of EO contamination in the area, 4 international and 1 national Humanitarian Mine Action organizations provide critical clearance, EO Risk Education, and victim assistance services in the region. For a full Mine Action situation report in Northeast Syria, please refer to 3iS’ last biannual report. You can also request tailored Mine Action information to 3iS through this platform.

[1] source: Mine Action NGOs IMSMA reports collected and verified by 3iS since 2017

The first step of the Non-Technical Survey process is to collect information from a series of community members. These members are carefully chosen and inclusive of gender, age group, and social status. The above photo shows the conduct of an NTS interview by ITF organization (partner of 3iS in the conduct of NES-wide contamination survey).

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